Content Posted in 2025
Abuse of Dominance and Money Power in the Religion of the World: Football, Arijeet Bhattacharjee and Kavanya Surolia
A Call For Tobin Tax, Tanmoy Majilla and Orlaine Pereira
Achieving Energy Security through Development of Nuclear Energy, R Ritesh
A Critical Study of Civil Code in UK, USA and India with Special Reference to Rights of Women, Shivani Dutta
Afterword, B.S. Chimni
A Litany for Blessed Diversity, Emma de Ramón Acevedo, Marco Enríquez, Jordi Padilla-Delgado, and Ammel Sharon
An Analysis of the US Supreme Court Judgment ‘Association Molecular Pathology, et al. v. Myriad Genetics Inc., et al’, Siddhanth Tripathi and Tanya Chaudhry
An Empirical Assessment of the Indian Supreme Court’s Use of Law Review Articles (1950-2020), Varun Garg and Apurva Singhi
An Insight on the Menace of Drug Abuse in Sports: With Special Emphasis on Sportsmen of North East India, Prakreetish Sarma and Neil Madhav Goswami
ANI vs OpenAI: India’s Copyright Act is Outdated. Can it Deal with New Legal Conundrums?, Aparajita Lath Ms
A non-binary lens on classroom inclusivity, Swarupa Deb and Aniket Nandan
Antitrust Concerns vis-a-vis Disruptive Innovation – Takeaways for Competition Commission of India, Sudhanshu Kumar Dr and Garima Gupta Ms
An Unusual Encounter With a Radical Kabir, Chandrabhan P. Yadav
Arbitration and Sports Law: Scrutinising the Dispute Resolution Process, Vaibhav Singh and Saurabh Tiwari
Are Smart Contracts Really Smart? Decrypting the Issues of their Legality, Enforcement and Interpretation, Ravindra Kumar Singh Prof (Dr)
A Socio-Policy Analysis on the Effectiveness of Judicial Remedies Available in the Cases of Illegal Demolition in India: State Policy vis-à-vis Human Rights, Abhisekh Rodricks and Shibasish Bhattacharjee
Asymmetric Challenges in Cybersecurity Among WTO Members : A Justification for a Veiled Trade Barrier?, Daniel Oluwadayo Akindipe and Love Gbenga-Fabusiwa
A Tale of Diplomacy and Equity: India’s Strive Towards COVID-19 Vaccine Pricing and Procurement, Samrudh Kopparam
Being a professional is not a vocation, but a set of attitudes, Nigam Nuggehalli
Board Decision-Making and Stakeholder Protection, Snehita Singh Dr., Irene-marie Esser Dr., and Iain MacNeil Dr.
Book Review: Pasha L. Hsieh, New Asian Regionalism in International Economic Law, Cambridge University Press 2022, Junji Nakagawa
Books capture the zeitgeist in a way videos rarely do, Nigam Nuggehalli
Carl Schmitt was right: The sovereign decides the exception, Karthick Ram Manoharan
Caste Inequality in Occupational Exposure to Heat Waves in India, Arpit Shah, Sneha Thapliyal, Anish Sugathan, Vimal Mishra, and Deepak Malghan
Caster Semenya, Dutee Chand and the Question of Sex in Sport: A Critique of the Discourse on Hyperandrogenism/Dsd in Female Atheletes, Palash Srivastav and Harshi Misra
Charting Extraterritoriality: Jurisdiction, Corporate Conduct, and Environmental Harm, Kalika Mehta
Clean Vehicles Tax Credits under the US Inflation Reduction Act: Friend-Shoring Takes Centre Stage in US Policy, J. Anthony Vanduzer
Colonialism, Jurisdiction, and Sovereignty in Palestine, Usha Natarajan
Colonies and International Labour Organization: A Subaltern Outlook, Aathira Raju
Compensation and Rehabilitation Rights of Displaced People in India: A Critical Study, Arunima Goel
Competition Issue in Sports: When Commerce Trumps the Spirit of Sports, Bhawna Gulati and Vipul Puri
Conceptualising India’s Safe Harbour in the Era of Platform Governance, Vasudev Devadasan Mr.
Conflicts between Foreign Investment and Environment Protection: Examining the Role of Bilateral Investment Treaties, Sumit Sonkar
Conformity of Goods to the Contract of Sale under the OHADA Uniform Act on General Commercial Law: A Critical Analysis and Appraisal, Roland Djieufack
Constitutional Quest to Uniform Civil Code: Mirage or Compulsion, Plavelil George Eapin
Consumer Welfare in Banks' Lending, K Vidyullatha Reddy
Continuing Discrimination in the times of technology: Women, Work, Algorithms and Law in India, Sejal Chandak Ms
“Continuity without Cultivation”?: The Student Figure, Legal Education, and Writing Pedagogy in India, Diya Deviah and Ammel Sharon
“Continuity without Cultivation”?: The Student Figure, Legal Education, and Writing Pedagogy in India, Diya Deviah and Ammel Sharon
Copy Trading Unveiled: The Regulatory Need for Investor Protection in India, Manas Rohilla and Vaibhav Vijay Nishad
Corporate Manslaughter in India: Bridging Legal Gaps with Governance Mechanisms, Ruth Vaiphei Dr.
Cruelty: Interpretation of Indian Personal Laws, Samhita Sharath Reddy
Cultivating Legalism from Paper Proofs: Analysing Everyday Forms of Claim Making by Van Gujjar Pastoralists in Uttarakhand, Mohamad Meer Hamja and Pranav Menon
Dawn of a Claim of Legitimate Expectation of Fundamental Right to Property in Land: A Myth or Reality Under the Original Constitution of India?, YR Rajeev Babu
Deepfakes and Shallow Laws: Regulating Distorted Narratives in the Political Cyberspace, Shimona Mohan and Sarthak Wadhwa
Direct Listing of Indian Companies on Foreign Stock Exchanges: Unveiling its Efficiency Breakthroughs & Unforeseen Challenge, Sri Janani Seenivasan and Meemansha Choudhury
Does Local Non-Farm Income Moderate the Intensity of Climate Change Induced Migration in India?, Gauri Sreekumar, Sabuj Kumar Mandal, and Anviksha Drall
Does Multiple Job Holding Raise Labour Use Efficiency of the Farm Operators? Evidence from Rural India, Anviksha Drall and Sabuj Kumar Mandal
Do Time-Use Surveys Give a Higher Estimate of Women in Economic Activity?, R. Vijayamba
Do Time-Use Surveys Give a Higher Estimate of Women in Economic Activity?, R. Vijayamba
Driving Innovation for Neglected Diseases: A Policy Perspective, Rhyea Malik
Economic and Social Rights, Corruption, and Covid-19: The Indian and South African Experiences, Anashri Pillay
Ecosystem Analysis of India’s Corporate Governance Practices: Gaps and Opportunities, Raymond Keng Wan
Editorial, Manhar Bansal
Editorial, NLSJ Editorial Board
Editorial Note, Kopal Mittal
Effects of Dynamic Pricing on Consumer Protection: A Review, S Balasubramanya
Empirical Study: Delay at the Madras High Court in Preventive Detention Cases, Shrutanjaya Bhardwaj
Energy Efficiency Interventions on MSMEs: Quest towards a Sustainable Security, Vani Kesari
Enforcement and Direct Effect of WTO Law under European and South African Law, Oliver C Ruppel and Yannick Hoppe
Esha Ekta Apartments Co-Operative Housing Society Ltd. and Others v. Municipal Corporation of Mumbai and Others, Sanyukta Singh
Evaluating India’s Foreign Trade Policy vis-à-vis Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, S Aparna
Evaluating the Need for Sectoral Insolvency Frameworks in India: The Telecom Sector as a Case Study, Debanshu Mukherjee Mr. and Karan Gulati Mr.
Examining the Fundamental Dichotomies of Personal Laws and Human Rights with Reference to a Growing Consensus for a Uniform Civil Code, Bharath Gururagavendran
Exploitation of Minors in Football: The Need to Enact More Practical Rules, Nandighosh Karan Nanda and Hitesh Mallick
Extra-Territoriality and Solidarity, Vasuki Nesiah
Fantasy Sports: At the Indian Crossroads, Praveen Tripathi and Aafreen Mitchelle Collaco
Festina Lente: Institutional Investors and the Quest for Boardroom Diversity In India, Anik Bhaduri Mr. and Rudresh Mandal Mr.
Foreign Sovereign Immunity Doctrine: A TWAIL Perspective, Maryam Jamshidi
Foreword, R Venkata Rao
Foreword, R Venkata Rao
Foreword, R Venkata Rao
Foreword, R Venkata Rao
Foreword, R Venkata Rao
From Apology to Utopia…to Apology? Kunal Sahaasa Vindication of the Normative Equilibrium of Tort Law, Srinivas Raman
From Discretion to Mandate: Seeking the Specific Performance of Repudiated Contracts, Anushka Kanabar
From Idea to Act: The Indian Legislative Process, Vasudev Devadasan, Sunil Nandraj, Vineet Chawdhry, and Kamala Ram Mohan
From Land Reform to Landfare: Land Claims and the Welfare State in Kerala, India, Sudheesh R.C
Front Matter, National Law School of India Review
Front Matter, National Law School of India Review
Front Matter, Socio-Legal Review
Full Issue, Socio-Legal Review
Genetically Modified Foods: Venom in Our Salvers? Consumer’s Right to Know, Bhuvanyaa Vijay
Global Trade-Enabling Law, Panagiotis Delimatsis
Goods and Service Tax on Online Skill Gaming: A Constitutional Perspective, Eeshan Sonak and Saranya Ravindran
Health-Related Information, Its Benefits and Legal Ramifications on Doctor-Patient Relationship, MS Manjunath
HELP: Replacing NELP for Oil Exploration and Energy Security, R Pavithra and Sincy Wilson
How to Build the Tower of Babel: The Kannada Language Comprehensive Development Act, 2022 and ‘Language Law’ in India, Aditya Prasanna Bhattacharya and Ritwika Sharma
How Trump’s mandate on ‘biological truth’ could hurt transgender activism in South Asia, Swarupa Deb and Aniket Nandan
Human Rights and Jurisdictional Trajectories: Shedding Light on the Colonial Genealogy, Rongeet Poddar
Impact of COVID-19 and Right to Healthcare: The Legal Dimensions of Public Health Issues in India, Azim Hussain Mazumdar
Impact on Health and Mental Well-Being of Families Affected by Forced Eviction, S Nikhita and Kritika
Implementation of Transport Policies in Newtown Kolkata Can Avert a Public Health Crisis, Monalisa Saha
Implications on Legal and Regulatory Framework of Sportscasting in India, S Sujith and S Uma Devi
Inclusion Urban Planning with respect to Slum Administration: Case Study of Pune’s Biggest Slum, Janata Vasahat, Kshitij Naikade, Manika Kamthan, and Shashikala Gurpur
Income tax law: Semantics and beyond, Ashrita Prasad Kotha and Pragya Kaushik
India—Certain Measures Relating to Solar Cells and Solar Modules (WT/DS/456), Kavitha Chalakkal
India Solar Panel Case at WTO and Its Impact on Indian Renewable Energy Sector and Environment, Amit Kumar Akela
Informality at Work—Towards a Law on Livelihoods?, Kamala Sankaran
In Re: Indian Woman says Gang Raped on Orders of Village Court published in Business and Financial News, Yashomati Ghosh
Interim Measures in International Arbitration: Towards International Consistency, Jennifer Bryant Dr and Johannes Hagmann
International Human Rights Perspectives on the Protection of Genetic Information: Exploring the Scope and Impact of the Current United Nations Framework, Aisling de Paor
International Investment Agreements and Regulation of Utilisation of Water Resources in Africa, Dominic Npoanlari Dagbanja
Interpreting the 'National Treatment' Obligation Under GATS, Anushree Malaviya
Introduction: TWAIL and the International Law of Jurisdiction, Rohini Sen
Is Artificial Intelligence affecting critical thinking skills? | Parley, Arul George Scaria
ISRO is Not Just Rockets, Kumar Abhijeet
Jis Kisi ke Mann Mein Asuraksha ka Bhav Hai, Woh Mahila Hai, Ammel Sharon
Judicial Accountability and Legislative Escapades: A Critical Evaluation of the 2012 Bill, Shivika Choudhary and Sukant Singh Rawat
Justice Promised but Undelivered: A Critique on Enslavement through Debt Bondage in India, S Anuja
Law, Institution and State Industrial Promotion, Yong Shik Lee
Law, Justice, Society: Selected Works of Upendra Baxi (4-Volume Set), Amita Dhanda, Arun Thiruvengadam, and Kalpana Kannabiran
Law Relating to Rape: An International Humanitarian Perspective, Miranda Das
Laws on Pandemic Response: The Inventory in Light of COVID-19, Devika Tadwalkar
Learnings from footballer Ian Wright: Peer learning, willingness to learn from others, Nigam Nuggehalli
Legal Framework of Energy Security and Sustainable Development in India: A Critical Analysis, V Chandralekha and TR Maruthi
Let’s begin at the very end — by attending the convocation, Nigam Nuggehalli
Liberalization of Nuclear Power Industry, Xavier Joseph
Life is not an exam and other such hacks, Nigam Nuggehalli
Maintenance under Muslim Personal Law in Light of Danial Latifi v. Union of India: The Need for a Uniform Civil Code, Varnika Chawla
Mandatory Investor-State Conciliation Before Arbitration in Asia-Pacific Treaties: New Developments and Implications for India and Australia, James Claxton, Luke Nottage, and Ana Ubilava
Masthead, Editorial Board
Masthead, NLS Business Law Review Editorial Board
Measuring the Social Legitimacy of International Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A New Research Agenda, Deborshi Barat Dr.
Medico-Legal and Ethical Issues in Living Donor Organ Transplantation, Sanjay Rao
Multi-Culturalism or Malestreamism: A Feminist Jurisprudential Critique, Pranusha Kulkarni
Need for and Challenges to Uniform Civil Code in India: A Special Reference to Muslim Ethos, GS Rajpurohit and Nitesh Saraswati
New Lease of Life to Stale Debts: A Study of Tottempudi Salalith v State Bank of India, Rohan Talwar
News, fake news and news in grey, Nigam Nuggehalli
No Country for (Married) Women, Kunal Ambasta
Oligopoly, collusion, entry and welfare, Suryaprakash Mishra
One Code, One Nation: Reality or a Speculation, Kriti Rathi and Aman Tolwani
On interior landscapes1: Thinking with Ilyas, the Imam, and Stefania Pandolfo, Atreyee Majumder
On the Promises and Failures of Anticolonial Constitutionalism in India: A Review of Sandipto Dasgupta’s Legalizing the Revolution, Shaunna Rodrigues
Opening India to International Competition in Government Procurement Markets: CEPA with UAE a Breakthrough?, Jędrzej Górski and Kanishka Bhukya
Operation and Termination of Sunset Clauses in Bilateral Investment Treaties, Claudia Annacker Dr.
Outsourcing Wombs: Exploring the Ethical and Legal Issues in Surrogacy, Harman Shergill
Patent Standardization and Implications on Competition in Mobile Telecommunications Market, Sandeep S Desai and Aditya Mitra
Patriot Games: India and China: Brinkmanship in the Realm of Apps, Neeraj Rajan Sabitha and Petros C. Mavroidis
Personal Guarantors to Debtors Required: The ‘Homeric’ Moratorium’s Aegis, Yash Sinha Mr.
Political Economy of Takeover Regulation in India: How Good is India’s Mandatory Bid Rule?, Nemika Jha Prof. Dr.
Power of the President of India to Grant Sanction of Prosecution against the Prime Minister, Lokendra Malik
Pre-Legislative Consultation: Efforts So Far & Reality, Joysula Lakshmi and Tejbir Singh Soni
Professional Historians Are Not to Blame for WhatsApp History in India. Disregard for Scholarship is, Samyak Ghosh
Prohibiting More Subsidies: The Trilateral Statement vis- à-vis the SCM Agreement, Manya Gupta and Uravi Pania
Public Domain of Personal Laws: An Inquiry from the Perspectives of Conflict of Interests and Identities, Eklavya Anand and Shailesh Kumar
Public Healthcare in Post-Pandemic India: A Policy Perspective, Debasis Poddar
Rapporteur Report, Shwetha Ramachandran, Laavanya Tewari, Chayan B.P., and Manvi Sahni
Regulating Subsidies Contributing to Overcapacity and Overfishing: How India Proposes to Align Trade Policy with Sustainable Fisheries, Pallavi Arora, Ketakee Gondane, and Mumrita Gaurdwaj
Revival of JATROPHA Bio-Diesel Production in India: A Re-Look at Drivers and Determinants, Anwesha Bhattacharyya and Riddhi Mundhra
Right to City: A Response Assessment of the Status Quo of Slums in the State of Punjab, Ishita Sharma and Shiva Satish Sharda
Role of Delegated Legislation in Implementing the National Food Security Act 2013: The Karnataka Experience, Neetu Sharma and Neenu Suresh
Section 112 of the Indian Evidence Act and Contrary Scientific Evidence, Akshat Agarwal
Shareholder Activism in India: Are We There Yet?, George S. Geis
Slum Dwellers and Their Fate: A Need to Curb Livelihood and Healthcare Problems, Ashish Pathak and Gauri Kaushik
Socio-Economic Rights (SER) in India: Responses During Economic Crisis, Uday Shankar
South Delhi Municipal Corporation v. Radhey Shyam (MANU/DE/2076/2014), Badrinath Srinivasan and Smitha Poovani
Special and Differential Treatment at the World Trade Organization: Analysis and Observations, Maureen Irish
Special Challenges in the Execution of Arbitral Awards in India in Public- Private Partnerships: A Trade Perspective, Srividhya Ragavan and Niraj Kumar Seth
“Spread Your Wings and Fly Away” – Reimagining Customary International Law Jurisdiction in Investor- State Disputes, Harshad Pathak
Stolen by Wolves: A Critique on the Supreme Court’s Understanding of Women’s Reservations in India, Rashmi Raghavan
Study on Action of Karnataka Slum Development Boards for the Betterment of Slum Dwellers: With Special Reference to Bangalore City, Pratibha S. Hiremath and L Chandrakanthi
Study on the Role of Self-Help Groups in the Development of Rural Families since 2010, Jyotirmoy Banerjee and Saloni Bahl
Sustainable Development Goals v. Non-Discrimination in WTO Law: Does the End Justify the Means?, Charlotte Sieber-Gasser, Smriti Kalra, and Aditi Vishwas Sheth
Sustainable Development through Renewable Energy: Perspectives on Enabling Mechanisms and Recommended Policy Guidelines, Aditya Sethi
Sustainable Energy Future in India: Policy Initiatives to Develop Tidal and Geothermal Energy in India, Anand Jagmalani and Ambuj Tiwari
Swimming Against the Tide? The Arbitration of International Tax Disputes, Chris Noonan
Table of Contents, Editorial Board
Table of Contents, NLS Business Law Review Editorial Board
Tales of Economic Warfare: The Plunder of Venezuela, Dr. Mohsen al Attar and Alexander Reay
Taxation and Sports: Can One Run a Mile, Rohith Kamath and Pranav Narsaria
Territoriality of Satellites in the LEO: ‘Jurisdiction without Territory’ Beyond Earthly Frontiers, Priyansh Dixit
The Appellate Body Crisis: Consent within the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organisation, Diana María Beltrán-Vargas, Mariana Puentes-Jaramillo, Pablo Andrés Aponte-González, and Maria Alexandra Ortíz-Cabrera
The Armed Forces Special Powers Act: The Way Forward, Aditi Sinha and Salona Mittal
The 'Blues' of the Green Tribunal, Savio JF Correia
The Enemy Property Ordinance, 2016: Examining the Constitutionality of the Legacy of the Partition, Praharsh Johorey
The Fourth World Approach: A Challenge or an Extension to TWAIL?, Vineet Tayal
The Future of Money: How the Digital Revolution is Transforming Currencies and Finance, Sohini Banerjee Ms and Pratik Datta Mr
The Future of Muslim Personal Law in India: Codification or a Uniform Civil Code?, Zaid Deva and Swagat Baruah
The Muslim Secular: Parity and the Politics of India's Partition: by Amar Sohal, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2023, 328 pp., £83.00 (Hardback), ISBN: 9780198887638, Salmoli Choudhuri
The Need Harnessing Nature through Tidal and Geothermal Energy in India, Srividya R Sastry
The Need, the Greed and the Media: Regulating the Unregulated, Abhishek Patil and Bhagirath Ashiya
Theorising Extraterritorial Jurisdiction: The Travails of TWAIL, Muthucumaraswamy Sornarajah
The Perils and Promises of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Sentencing, Tasnimul Hassan Md
The President is female, the Supreme Court is female, we are all female, Ammel Sharon
The ‘Public’ in the ‘Public Interest Test’: Rethinking the Parameters of the Public Interest Test in India, Archana Subramanian
The Right to Receive Information: Conceptual Problems, Shrutanjaya Bhardwaj Mr
The Role of the Voluntary Carbon Market in Scaling Impact Globally - An Analysis of Recent Trends, Varnika Chawla Ms., Divya Sethuraman Ms., Tarun Ashok Mr., and Jason Kitts Mr.
The Socio-Economic Characteristics of Migrant Constructions Workers in India: An Overview, M Anitha
The Space Between Jurisdiction and Sovereignty, Asha Kaushal
The Trials of Bail: Pre-Trial Presumption of Innocence Under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 and General Criminal Laws, Radhika Chitkara
The Trump Administration's Critique of the World Trade Organisation and its Implications for the International Trading System, Dr. Kenneth Holland
The Uncertain Future of the Middle Children of India’s Renewable Energy Family, C Rhiti and Vaitasta Tickoo
The Violence of Numbers: A Critical Appraisal of the Justice Capabilities Framework, Abhineet Maurya
Third World Statehood Before the ‘Third World’: Imperialism, Sovereignty, and the Making of Latin America, Eric Loefflad
TikTok and the free speech conundrum, Nigam Nuggehalli
Turf Wars and Red Herrings: Recent American Legislations and their Impact on Global EVs and Semiconductors Trade, Manya Gupta and Arnav Sharma
Tying, Self-preferencing and the Digital Competition Bill: A changing landscape for competition intervention?, Pankhudi Khandenwal
Unethical Practices in Indian Sports: Issues and Challenges, Ashish Deshpande
Uniform Civil Code: An Attempt to Explore its Affordability, Vijender Kumar and Naresh Kumar Vats
Uniform Civil Code and Adoption Laws: A Case Comment on Shabnam Hashmi v. Union of India, Sregurupriya Ayappan
Uniform Civil Code and Its Constitutional Apparatus, Nithya C and Sera Rose George
Uniform Civil Code and the Conflict of Personal Laws, Kiran Suryanarayana
Uniform Civil Code: An Ornamental Legislation, Debajyoti Saha and Sunayna Bhat
Uniform Civil Code: A Quest towards Ensuring Uniform Property Rights for Women, P Sree Sudha
Uniform Civil Code: A Way to National Integration, Vini Kewaliya
Uniform Civil Code, Constitution of India and Constitutionalism, Preethika Pilinja
Uniform Civil Code: Unified Laws and Divergent Ways, Siddharth Anand Panda and Samyak Mohanty
Unilaterally Altering the Bargain: TRIPS, Section 107A, and the Regulatory Review Exception under Indian Patent Law, Eashan Ghosh and Afzal B. Khan
Universal Civil Jurisdiction and International Law: A Response to B.S. Chimni, Chimène Keitner
Urban Poor and the Violation of Their Human Rights: Will There Be an End?, Anjana Hazarika
Vaccine Crisis and Patent Rights—Issues and Challenges: A Global Perspective, Kshitij Kumar Rai and Sakshi Agarwal
Why you must read ‘To Sir, With Love’, Nigam Nuggehalli
Wrongful Convictions, Wrongful Prosecutions and Wrongful Detentions in India, Kent Roach
Your value as a member of a community will be a measure of your success, Nigam Nuggehalli
Your value as a member of a community will be a measure of your success, Nigam Nuggehalli