Volume 6, Issue 1 (1994)
Convocation Address
Shankar Dayal Sharma
The philosophical Foundations of Nineteenth Century German Jurisprudence: The Historical School of Law and Legal Positivism
Gerhard Dilcher
Custodial Deaths
PS Krishna Deva Rao
Sociology of Law: Multidisciplinary Approach
KC Gopalakrishnan
Indian Legal Research: An Agenda for Reform
Gurjeet Singh
What Ails the Judiciary?
David Annoussami
Criminal Justice and Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Martin L Friedland QC
Human Rights Movement in Colonial India- An Historical Perspective
Sitharamam Kakarala
Book Reviews
In the Public Interest: Savitri Goonsekere
Mario Gomez
Towards Gender Justice- S.P Sathe
Asha Bajpai
Harassed Husbands- Kusum
Prabha Koteshwaran
The Law Relating to Injunction in India- Woodroffe
L Vishwanathan
Living Islam- Prof. Akbar S Ahmed
V.R Krishna Iyer