Submissions from 2025
Does Multiple Job Holding Raise Labour Use Efficiency of the Farm Operators? Evidence from Rural India, Anviksha Drall and Sabuj Kumar Mandal
From Land Reform to Landfare: Land Claims and the Welfare State in Kerala, India, Sudheesh R.C
Caste Inequality in Occupational Exposure to Heat Waves in India, Arpit Shah, Sneha Thapliyal, Anish Sugathan, Vimal Mishra, and Deepak Malghan
Submissions from 2024
The Sufficiency of Disclosure of AI Inventions, Mateo Aboy, Aparajita Lath, Timo Minssen, and Kathleen Liddell
Anti-Caste Movements, Resistance, and Caste: An Introduction, Janaki Abraham and Dhivya Janarthanan
Decision Time: Illuminating Performance in India’s District Courts, Varsha Aithala, Anushka Sachan, Srijoni Sen, Himanshu Payal, and Chiranjib Bhattacharya
Navigating the Conundrum of Mandatory Reporting under the POCSO Act: Implications for Medical Professionals, Nanditta Batra
Detangling Knots in the Narratives: A Response to Theunis Roux, Aparna Chandra
An Empire of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring an Intersection of Politics, Society, and Creativity, Debangana Chatterjee
“Continuity without Cultivation”?: The Student Figure, Legal Education, and Writing Pedagogy in India, Diya Deviah and Ammel Sharon
The Effects of Decision Fatigue on Judicial Behavior: A Study of Arkansas Traffic Court Outcomes, Rahul Hemrajani and Tony Hobert Jr.
Revisiting the Conceptual Terrains of the Right to Accessibility in India: The Role of Judicial Enforcement, Sanjay Jain and Malika Jain
Views From an Anti-Caste Movement: Caste, Labour, and Religion in Sangharsh, Dhivya Janarthanan
Protection of Stakeholders’ Interests in the Indian Corporate Landscape: Examining the ‘Ifs and Buts', Sudhanshu Kumar and Alok Verma
Achille Mbembe, "Brutalism", Atreyee Majumder
Haunted: Writing Poems as a Shadowy Intellectual, Atreyee Majumder
On interior landscapes1: Thinking with Ilyas, the Imam, and Stefania Pandolfo, Atreyee Majumder
Oppressed, Backward, or Subaltern? Revisiting Hardgrave’s The Nadars of Tamilnad, Karthick Ram Manoharan
Entry, Market Structures and Welfare, Suryaprakash Mishra
Oligopoly, collusion, entry and welfare, Suryaprakash Mishra
Ambiguous Identity and Uncertain Belonging: Assessing the Lives of Undocumented Brihannalas in the Backdrop of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Aniket Nandan and Swarupa Deb
Did India Ever Have a Right To The City Movement? Rethinking Housing Justice in Violent Times, Sushmita Pati
Local Crime and Early Marriage: Evidence from India, Sudipa Sarkar
Courts, Culture, and Complicity: How Anthropological Knowledge Sustains State Imaginations of Indigeneity, Aishwarya Singh and Meenakshi Ramkumar
Imperfect Alternatives: Economic Evidence in Indian Regulatory Landscape, Rahul Singh
Law-and-Economics of Business Judgment Rule in India, Rahul Singh and Pratyay Amrit
Does Local Non-Farm Income Moderate the Intensity of Climate Change Induced Migration in India?, Gauri Sreekumar, Sabuj Kumar Mandal, and Anviksha Drall
Slipping into Judicial Barbarism?, Pranav Verma
The Fate of 'Essential Religious Practices' in India's Constitutional Courts, Pranav Verma
Women’s Ownership of Livestock Assets: Evidence from Karnataka, R. Vijayamba
Women’s Work in Livestock Raising: Evidence from Time Use Surveys in India, R. Vijayamba and Madhura Swaminathan
Submissions from 2023
One Hundred (and Fifty) Years of Solitude: The Indian Evidence Act 1872 as a Lost Project of Law Reform, Kunal Ambasta
A Case for Humanistic Theory, Salmoli Choudhuri and Moiz Tundawala
Sovereignty Before Law, Salmoli Choudhuri and Moiz Tundawala
Book Review: Taxation in the Digital Economy: New Models in Asia and the Pacific, edited by Nella Hendriyetty, Chris Evans, Chul Ju Kim, and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary, Sanyukta Chowdhury
Have Social Policy Responses to COVID-19 Been Institutionalised?, Gibrán Cruz-Martínez, Sony Pellissery, and Ricardo Velázquez Leyer
Introduction: Social Policy Responses and Institutional Reforms in the Pandemic, Gibrán Cruz-Martínez, Sony Pellissery, and Ricardo Velázquez Leyer
Viability of the ‘Democratic Liberalism’ Project, Prerna Dhoop
Who Eats Last? Intra-Household Gender Inequality in Food Allocation Among Children, Dipanwita Ghatak, Soham Sahu, Sudipa Sarkar, and Varun Sharma
Preventive Repression: Protest Policing in New Delhi, Rahul Hemrajani, Rajkamal Singh, and Amit Ahuja
Grounding the Basic Structure in Legal Theory, Sanjay Jain
The Missing Theory for Regulation and Law Making: Women in Corporate Leadership, Anindita Jaiswal Jaishiv
Implant Failure in Orthopaedics: Law Does Not Hold the Surgeon Accountable, J. Terrence Jose Jerome, Arpitha HC, and OV Nandimath
Antitrust Concerns vis-a-vis Disruptive Innovation – Takeaways for Competition Commission of India, Sudhanshu Kumar and Garima Gupta
Biraha, Atreyee Majumder
Locating a Shadowy State in Queer, Feminist Politics, Atreyee Majumder
Credit Market Imperfection, Lack of Entrepreneurship and Capital Outflow from a Developing Economy, Suryaprakash Misra and Sugata Marjit
State Life: Land, Welfare and Management of the Landless in Kerala, India, Sudheesh RC
Country Reporter: India, Kamala Sankaran
A Global South Perspective for Ethical Algorithms and the State, Arul George Scaria, Nandana Sengupta, Vidya Subramanian, and Anwesh Mukhopadhyay
Beyond the Clock: Exploring the Complexities of Women’s Domestic Roles in India Through the Lenses of Daughters and Daughters-in-Law, Pushpendra Singh, Falguni Pattanaik, and Archana Singh
Cartel Leniency Programme in India—Why No Race Here?, TS Somashekar and Praveen Tripathi
Law and its Discontents: Ageing and Family Law in India, Sarasu Esther Thomas
Submissions from 2022
Book Review of ‘Women, Peace and Security and International Law’, Christine Chinkin, Cambridge University Press, Akhila Basalalli
Sanctions in Ukraine War: The Racial Tilting of International Politics, Debangana Chatterjee
Revisiting Kartar Singh v. State of Punjab: Fair Trial and the Scope of Exception in Anti-Terror Laws, Radhika Chitkara
Two Kings in the Tungkhungia Court? Love and Courtly Culture in Early Eighteenth-century Hindustan, Samyak Ghosh
Technological Efforts, Firm Ownership and Productivity: A Study of Information Technology Service Firms in India, Asmita Goswami and K. Narayanan
Revisiting Rabindranath Tagore’s Critique of Nationalism, Rinku Lamba
Devotee/Ethnographer: My Struggle at the Boundary Walls of Participant Observation, Atreyee Majumder
Globalisation and City-Zenship in a Not-So-Networked Society: Looking for Narratives of Empowerment in the Process of Seepage of Techno-Cultural Practices, Atreyee Majumder
Song of the Sweet Lord, Atreyee Majumder
Freedom from Caste: New Beginnings in Transdisciplinary Scholarship, Karthick Ram Manoharan and Meena Dhanda
Role of Courts in Ensuring Water Justice in India: Brasilia Declaration on Water Justice and Beyond, Gayathri D. Naik
Rivers as Legal Personalities in India and Bangladesh From an Eco-Centric Perspective: Balancing Developmental Needs and Environmental Protection, Gayathri D. Naik and Stellina Jolly
A Sociopolitical Alternative for Dalits in Uttar Pradesh and Expectations From It, Aniket Nandan
Book review: Christophe Jaffrelot, 2021. Modi’s India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy. Translated by Cynthia Schoch, Aniket Nandan
Book review: Sushmita Pati, Properties Of Rent: Community, Capital And Politics In Globalising Delhi, Aniket Nandan
National Medical Commission Act, 2019: The Need for Parity, OV Nandimath, S. Suhas, Y. Malik, and B.C. Malathesh
Assessment of Consumer Protection Act 2019 to Support Tobacco Control in India, Ashok R. Patil
Product Liability Action: A Tooth to Strengthen Consumer Protection, Ashok R. Patil
Book Review: Rashmi Sadana. 2022. The Moving City: Scenes from the Delhi Metro and the Social Life of Infrastructure, Sushmita Pati
A Continuing Constitutional Conversation: Locating Nitisha, Gauri Pillai
Shades of Life in Indian Abortion Law, Gauri Pillai
Analysing Urban Energy Transition in Light of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001, Madhubanti Sadhya
Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy: The Need for a Multi-faceted Approach, Kamala Sankaran
Employment Trajectories and Mental Health-Related Disability in Belgium, Sudipa Sarkar, Rebeka Balogh, Sylvie Gadeyne, and Johanna Jonsson et al.
COVID-19 and (Mis)understanding Public Attitudes to Social Security: Re-setting Debate, Sudipa Sarkar and Michael Orton
Media Influences on Caste based Untouchability Practices in India, Archana Singh and P. Singh
The Meld Model: The Holy Grail of Indian Corporate Jurisprudence, Rahul Singh
WTO Security Exceptions: A Sliding Scale Approach to Protect the Rules-Based System for Global Free Trade, TS Somashekar and Kanchan Yadav
Sustainable Development Through Smart Cities: Issues and Challenges, Bhanu Tanwar, Kush Kalra, and Pradeep Kulshrestha
The Road Ahead for Environmental Impact Assessment in India: Insights from Expansion in Coal Mining, Sneha Thapliyal, Meenakshi Kapoor, and Krithika Dinesh
Justice Versus Judiciary: Justice Enthroned or Entangled in India? (2019) By Sudhanshu Ranjan, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, Arun Thiruvengadam
Teaching Law and Development in India: Reflections, Insights and Challenges, Arun Thiruvengadam and Neeraj Grover
Submissions from 2021
International Rule of Law and Domestic Courts: A Few Concerns, Akhila Basalalli
Book review: Imre Bangha (Ed.) Tagore. Beyond His Language, Salmoli Choudhuri
Theology of the 'Absent King' and the Possibility of Rabindranath Tagore’s Political Thought, Salmoli Choudhuri
The Effects of Source Cues and Issue Frames During COVID-19, Rahul Hemrajani, Chandler Case, Christopher Eddy, Christopher Howell, Daniel Lyons, Yu-Hsien Sung, and Elizabeth C. Connors
Measuring the Impact of AI on Jobs at the Organization Level: Lessons from a Survey of UK Business Leaders, Sudipa Sarkar, Wil Hunt, and Chris Warhurst
Introduction: New Directions, New Voices in Family Law in India, Sarasu Esther Thomas, Jeffrey A. Redding, and Rachel Taylor
Submissions from 2020
Towards Unrestricted and Disability Inclusive Legal Theory: Random Reflections, Sanjay Jain