Volume 3, Issue 1 (2016)
Full Issue
Research Articles
Role of Delegated Legislation in Implementing the National Food Security Act 2013: The Karnataka Experience
Neetu Sharma and Neenu Suresh
Patent Standardization and Implications on Competition in Mobile Telecommunications Market
Sandeep S Desai and Aditya Mitra
Effects of Dynamic Pricing on Consumer Protection: A Review
S Balasubramanya
The Armed Forces Special Powers Act: The Way Forward
Aditi Sinha and Salona Mittal
The Enemy Property Ordinance, 2016: Examining the Constitutionality of the Legacy of the Partition
Praharsh Johorey
The Need, the Greed and the Media: Regulating the Unregulated
Abhishek Patil and Bhagirath Ashiya
Legislative Notes and Case Comments
An Analysis of the US Supreme Court Judgment ‘Association Molecular Pathology, et al. v. Myriad Genetics Inc., et al’
Siddhanth Tripathi and Tanya Chaudhry