
The Journal of Law and Public Policy is an open access journal with a double blind peer review process that publishes original scholarship on the interface between law and public policy at the national, regional, and international levels. Contributions that examine the process of public interest decision making are especially welcomed. Articles must advance interdisciplinarity in the field of law and justice with a strong focus on socio-economic and political contexts. In addition to academic quality, the journal encourages writing that is accessible to a wide range of readers such as policymakers, researchers, faculty and students of law, and public policy across the world. We welcome empirical, historical, and comparative analyses that are grounded in theoretical debates.

Founded in 2014, the Journal of Law and Public Policy is published twice a year by the National Law School of India University, Bengaluru. This includes one general issue and one theme-based issue.

Current Issue: Volume 8, Issue 1 (2022)

Full Issue


Research Articles