

Hans Dembowski


Ten years ago, Oxford University Press published Hans Dembowski's book 'Taking the State to Court - Public Interest Litigation and the Public Sphere." Shortly afterwards, OUP discontinued international distribution, because the Calcutta High Court initiated contempt-of court proceedings against author and publisher. The case has regrettably been kept pending, no judgment was passed. A sociological study that deals with highly relevant issues, including urban planning, governance and the role of the judiciary, the author argues that it is of central importance to academic discussion. In this comment, the author and his academic supervisor develop on this argument, and speak of why it does not amount to contempt of court.

Custom Citation

Hans Dembowski, 'Stealth Censorship: How the Calcutta High Court is suppressing a sociological book on Public Interest Litigation' (2011) 7(1) Socio-Legal Review 45

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

