

Necessitated by the inherent limitations of the market and failures in governance by the State, the search for alternative solutions has witnessed the emergence of the sphere of civil society. Organisations of ordinary people have taken up the task of ensuring better governance through their interactions with both the state and the market. The Consumer Forum at Basrur is a civil society organisation that seeks to build capacities amongst citiZens and empower them to demand greater accountability from both the government and private players. Its key tool is effective communication, particularly through letter-writing, wherein the Forum guides the consumers in establishing contact with suppliers and officials and finding solutions to their problems in a cost effective and transparent manner. In this paper, the author studies the methodology and work of this Forum in order to assess the possibility of replicating the model.

Custom Citation

Priyadarshini Kedlaya, ‘Strengthening Civil Society: Lessons from the Consumer Forum at Basrur in Karnataka’ (2008) 4(1) Socio-Legal Review 129

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