

Aadhar, touted by its supporters as the ultimate tech solution to India's development problems, failed to bring the UPA back to power. Despite having trashed it from the Opposition benches, the BJP government is now rolling it out at an accelerated pace despite strong opposition from civil society groups and continuing concern about the technology and its social and ethical implications. This paper examines the official justifications for Aadhar from the perspective of those whose interests it claims to serve. Experience on the ground suggests that the real attraction of Aadhar for this government lies in its potential as a tool for the promotion of the interlinked agendas of neoliberal globalisation and militarised nationalism. Disguised as "development", Aadhar is facilitating India's transition into a society where critics and dissenters are seen as enemies rather than as essential actors in democracy.

Custom Citation

Kalyani Sen, 'Aadhar: Wrong Number, or Big Brother Calling?' (2015) 11(2) Socio-Legal Review 85.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

