
Anwesha Ghosh



source publication

Antipode Online


Excerpt: Since a little over a decade now, the Global South has emerged as a subject of serious critical inquiry. To be sure, the terminology is neither unambiguous, nor is it without its own set of complications. Yet, over time, more and more scholars have embraced it as a way to distance themselves from the brazen underpinnings of Western civilizational and developmentalist metrics. The skeptic may attribute this to a mere shift in perspective—that instead of delineating the world into the Modern West and the Languishing East, the hyperdeveloped societies of EuroAmerica and the underdeveloped societies of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, we are, in effect, once again envisioning the world into two distinct realities, the North and the South. But as ongoing debates have routinely reminded us, the North–South delineation does not attend to geocartographical facts as much as it opens up new lines of inquiry into the possibility of theorybuilding beyond the hegemony of master narratives.


