Volume 32, Issue 1 (2022)
'Kahler v. Kansas: Insanity and the Historical Understanding of Mens Rea
Michael Louis Corrado
How Stereotypes about Indians are used to promote Abortion Restrictions in the United States?
Sital Kalantry
The Enduring Gaps and Errors in Capital Sentencing in India
Anup Surendranath, Neetika Vishwanath, and Preeti Pratishruti Dash
Crimes by Children in Conflict with the Law – Heinousness, Acceptability, and Age of Adulthood: A Comprehensive Critique of the Present Juvenile Justice System
Aanchal Kabra and Pratyay Panigrahi
Admissibility and Proof of RTI Documents under the Indian Evidence Act
Gaurav Bhawnani and Aditya Mehta
An Empirical Assessment of the Collegium’s Impact on Composition of the Indian Supreme Court
Rangin Tripathy and Soumendra Dhanee
The General Executive Power of the Union of India and the Commonwealth of Australia: A Comparative Analysis
Peter Gerangelos
Carbon Tax as Discrimination: Revisiting the Legal Standard of National Treatment in WTO Law
Zaker Ahmed
Insider Trading: Circumstantial Evidence is Evidence Enough?
Rajat Sethi, Misha Chadna, and Aditi Agarwal