Volume 20, Issue 2 (2022)
Judicial Activism & Patent Law
P.P. Naolekar
Ducking TRIPS in India: A Saga Involving Novartis and the Legality of Section 3(D)
Shamnad Basheer and Prashant Reddy
Painting the Swan Black: On the Art of Re-Inventing Inventions
Feroz Ali Khader
Patent Judicial Wisdom
Srividhya Raghavan
Patent Protection through Interim Injunctions: Adding Sting to the Enforcement of Indian Patent Law
Ashutosh Kumar
Software Patents in the Indian Framework: An Economic of Problems and Prospects
Meera Jayakumar and Harsha Vardhan
Direct Price Control on Patented Drugs in India: The Probable Effects on Innovations and Access to Medicines
Ajay Prasad and Varsha Iyengar