Volume 12, Issue 1 (2022)
Administrative Tribunals in India: A Welcome Departure From Orthodoxy
Arun Roy V and Vishnu Jerome
Dissolution of the Lok-Sabha
Tanusri Prasanna
Does a Patient Have the Right to Refuse Medical Treatment
Nishant Kumar Singh
Exit-Polls: Do They Need an Exit
Piyush Mishra
Fifty Years of Human Rights Protection in India: The Record of 50 Years of Constitutional Practice
Fali S. Nariman
Fundamental Rights During a Proclamation of Emergency: The Indian Experience
Shyamkrishna Balganesh
Look But Don’t Touch: A Critique of the Indian Position on Evidence Illegally Obtained Through Tape Recording
Venkatesh Vijayaraghavan and Sameer Singh
Mercy Petitions: Inadequacies in Practice
Poornima Sampath and Priyadarshini Narayanan
Quo Vadis India: The-Glory-and-Grand-Development: The Rise and Fall of Indian Democracy
V.R. Krishna Iyer
The Interaction Between Public and Private International Law Some: New Trends
Gautam Narasimhan and Sameer Singh